sobota, 30 kwietnia 2011

What to do when baby lisp?

The lisp is manifested by the lack of pronunciation of words.

This is a common occurrence in children. A priori, there is nothing more worrying because until the age of 6 years, medical treatment is unnecessary. But if this problem is exaggerated and that person can no longer understand what the child wants to transmit, then it is essential to consult a specialist.
Medical examinations will focus on the mouth, nose or ears These diagnostics will detect any abnormalities in these organs. There is talk of a closer look at the tongue and jaw to see if there is a malformation or serous otitis which prevents small to hear.
If it is proved that the lisp from a bad position of the tongue, the speech therapist to teach the child to better position his tongue. And here, parents also have an important responsibility to encourage the baby to stop the bottle, or tototte his thumb that could aggravate the problem.

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