czwartek, 28 kwietnia 2011

First months of baby's life :)

After 9 months of waiting, a child finally comes out of the mummy'ss tummy ! 

Initially baby may have appeared red and a bit swollen, especially if it was a  vaginal birth or a long labor. Expect the redness to subside during the coming days, swelling to reduce, and her facial features to realign quickly. You'll also notice how she keeps her hands clenched and arms and legs curled in. This is a familiar, comforting position to your little one who it'll relax it's muscles during the next several weeks.

Baby will need special loving care for the next several years. It entered the world ready to meet the challenges of growing up. His  first few days are guided primarily by instinct. Already at birth he's able to recognize his mother's voice and, you'll likely notice his turn her head toward that single sound even when visitors crowd the room. Soon he'll identify other familiar voices he's heard from the womb.

Most babies drift off to sleep an hour or so after birth. Remember that it's been through a traumatic experience and is now facing the transition from the womb to the outside world. It is normal for this sleepiness to last for a few days. Enjoy watching his snooze this week and, take advantage of this sleepy period to rest yourself. If yours is not a sleeper, cuddle often and rest when he does decide to nap. 

Child will greet his second week of life in much the same manner as the first. Expect him to remain in the curled up position he had assumed while in utero. His tiny hands will remain tightly clenched while he is awake. His eyesight is still quite immature. Objects are clearest at a mere 8 to 10 inches from his face. While he is unable to see across the room, he can clearly see Mom's face as he nurses. Partners and siblings can hold him close and talk to him face-to face to achieve similar results.

Remember that breastfeeding is the best possible source of nourishment for baby. Expect some breast fullness and tenderness as your milk supply increases. You can apply warm or cool compresses to help ease discomfort. Frequent feedings will help establish your supply and keep your breasts comfortable.

Baby will continue to adapt to life outside the womb. You may notice occasional muscle twitches. he'll be able to lift her head when placed on her tummy, but not very high and only for a quick second. Expect him to remain on his own "schedule." Allow him to dictate when he needs to eat and sleep.
he will enjoy the sound of your voice and will be able to distinguish it from that of a stranger. Spend quality time talking to her one-on-one. Maintain eye contact whenever possible. He'll find this entertaining and will know you're speaking just for him.

Womb-like sounds will help calm his when he's upset. Try patting his gently on the back or bottom to the beat of your heart. These familiar rhythms are still fresh in her mind and will help to relax her when she needs comforting. He'll continue to enjoy any and all skin-to-skin cuddling, especially when he's nursing. Dads are also skilled in this area. The quick removal of a shirt and a cozy blanket may be all that's needed to lull his off to sleep.

Your little one has had a few weeks to adjust to life outside the womb. While this transition is far from over, you may notice him becoming a bit more interactive this week. He'll probably begin making small sounds and wet, throaty noises. You may notice that this amuses him as much as it does you.

Just when you think he's at his cutest he's likely to surprise you with his a little smile as he slumbers. These sleep grins will quickly give way to his first interactive social smiles. Be sure to keep a camera or video camera handy to capture these wonderful faces!

He's also learning to trust this week. Each time you appear to feed, diaper or comfort him you're helping to reinforce the idea that you will be there to meet his needs. Continue to follow his schedule, whatever it may be. He'll soon learn that he can depend on you whenever he needs assistance or just a quick little hug.


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